Monday, May 11, 2015

The Sesame Street Book And Record/Sesame Street 1: Original Cast Record

Both albums are the same except for a sortened version of One Of These things.  This is the full version.

Side One
  1. Sesame Street - The Entire Cast
  2. ABC-DEF-GHI - Big Bird
  3. I've Got Two - Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch plus everybody including Mr. Hooper
  4. Goin' for a Ride - Anything People
  5. What Are Kids Called - Bob and Susan
  6. Everybody Wash - Ernie and Bert
  7. One of These Things - Bob and Susan
  8. Up and Down - Two Monsters
  9. Green - Kermit the Frog
Side Two
  1. Somebody Come and Play - The Kids
  2. I Love Trash - Oscar the Grouch
  3. A Face - Bob
  4. J-Jump - The Kids
  5. People in Your Neighborhood - Bob and The Anything People
  6. Rub Your Tummy - Gordon
  7. Number 5 - The Kids
  8. Five People In My Family - Anything People
  9. Nearly Missed - Susan
  10. Rubber Duckie - Ernie

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